Saturday, March 14, 2009

downtown view
i love downtown

saturday am and ts COLD AGAIN ,,,hate that,,
me and kelly are enjoying our saturday,,slept in (8:00) then got hyped on coffee and prednisone, (my neck hurts)
ive been changing alot of FLVs into AVIs so i can burn them and watch stuff on tv, like UFO and 2012 stuff, also meditation stuff. lifes been boaring because im always sleeping and when im not sleeping i have to clean house, dust, vaccume, and entertain 3 cats, and nap. so it just seems kinda like i have no time anymore. and i hate to blog when i have no pictures or theres nothing to write about other then myneckhurts,
we had to get out saturday afternoon-and go to walmart, we went to one on the west side,,never been there before but it was roomy and not too crowded for a saturday;

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