Saturday, May 07, 2011

Apocalypse Equation – Aliens On Their Way
The “Apocalypse Equation” refers to report authored by one of the most secretive women in US intelligence circles named Audrey Tomason [photo top left in White House Situation Room during the assault on bin Laden compound] who is Obama’s Director for Counterterrorism and while attending Harvard's Kennedy School of Government wrote a master thesis [now classified by the US as “top-secret”] suggesting that it would be more humane for our world to undergo a “planned and controlled genocide” rather than to see it descend into the abyss of chaos it is now entering.

According to Ms Tomason’s “Apocalypse Equation” the “sustainable population” of our world can only be 1.5 billion human beings, as compared to the United Nations estimate of 7 billion we will reach on October 31st of this year, and the even worse figure of 10 billion estimated by 2100.

Ms Tomason argues in her thesis that our world’s population has been “artificially inflated” for the past nearly 100 years by a “non-sustainable” petrochemical and fossil fuel based global economy that if left “unchecked” could very well destroy all life on Earth, not just human beings.


PhotonTransporterBeam​ We have reached a situation where plan "MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction) has to be engaged in full swing.

It has only been in the last 5 years (I’m 51) that I have actually started looking into some of this conspiracy theories, previously I would dismiss them with a laugh but the further I delved the more my eyes & indeed mind opened up.
There are definitely things accuring that people are trying to accomplish as quietly as possible but with NO concern as to the consequences it brings to others or whoever gets in their way & this should have ALL of us concerned,
even the people working for them because quite probably once they have what they want their future will NOT include the ones who actually made it possible.

Apocalypse Equation:
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation that, basically, states human beings will first strive for “Basic Needs” (survival) before they’ll seek “Safety Needs” (comfort), and once having those needs met will strive next for “Psychological Needs”, “Self-Actualization” and, finally, “Peak Experiences.”

Ms Tomason states in her thesis that any population suffering an economic collapse and reverting to “Basic Needs” will be “ungovernable” and pose “tremendous risks” to the state leading to “wholesale breakdown of law and order.”

Ms Tomason further argues in her “Apocalypse Equation” thesis that since the collapse of civilization as we know it is “inevitable,” world leaders should consider the
possibility of “mass genocide” to reduce our world’s population to a more “sustainable level commensurate with our Earth’s resources.”

The chilling genocidal scenario envisioned by Ms Tomason begins with a “limited nuclear conflict” targeted at major population centers, but designed to limit the fallout of radiation. Next would be the release of toxic chemical and biological agents she suggests could be blamed on “terrorist entities” to be followed by forced mass migration of populations to more “sustainable living environments.”

Ms Tomason envisions these “sustainable living environments” as being large population centers with mass transit systems where no personal vehicles would be allowed and the rural areas would be completely depopulated except for government run agricultural “systems.”

Prior to the initiation of these apocalyptic events Ms Tomason argues for the establishment of government run and protected “concentration camps” where “persons of worth” can be protected while the masses of their fellow citizens die by the millions and billions. Those deemed “persons of worth” would include scientists, doctors, technical specialist, etc.

Most unfortunately for all human beings is that Ms Tomason’s “Apocalypse Equation” now appears to be the accepted paradigm of our world’s leaders who see no other option if our Earth is to survive, and leading one to hope that the “gods” will return much sooner than later if anything is to be saved at all.

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