Saturday, March 01, 2008

its saturday! and weather looks good,, nice and warm today,,kellys stillsleepin,i made coffeee ansd im back here to kill time - i dont think tony called last nite and that SUX ina Great big way,,,Ohwell,,heshould call today! went to bed late last nite BUT slept almost great,,,,wokeup a few x's\ IM UPi feelOK,,pillsarekickiin in,,,,(prednisone and davon)
today is gona sux ,,bc kellys in a BAD MOOD(about the fith time shes calledme a freak,,guess thats whatshe really thinks,,im gonna go open a BEER and drink it,,i dont even drink,really
here goes a perfect day, wasted. in tears.

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Diane said...
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