Thursday, September 25, 2008

oh its thursday and im sick,,i have a bug ,,cough -- cough -- cough --cough-gag... im watching CNN (( just let it stay on the channel all day -thats typical TV for me all day))
i go straight to NPR when in the car,,,POINT IS Kelly just called to say the
diane rhime show says all our pharmacuticals come from CHINA - medicine from china?
scary scary i have no trust,,,whatsgoing on here folks,,
maybe im just,,,yea,,im i,,i m just being parinoid agian.....diagnosed :borderline personality- OMG i never knew,.,OMG i am so worried that i my have hurt someones fee;llngs along my lifes way then,, or screwed up somene opr something--im sooooo sorry jesus forgive me of my sins i pray ..........and let me know where i need to go and make things right ..thank u lord,,amen.
in da name of da fadder da son and da holyghost!
i have gorephobia .... i am struggling today with the fact i must go and get my medicine from morton-god they scare me out there,,,,and then go get more seriquil too,from another place,,medical arts building on harvard=OK nothing too bad,,((which will take all day-and im so sick and coughing like crazy) its 11.33 am and i wanna just lay down --its so pretty outside,,i MUST be crazy for not finding something to do outside,,omg its beautiful out -
my neck still hurting bad

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