i believe im TOO much for kelly and shes on her last breaking place and i am too,,we r against each other,,,and it all starteed earlyy yesterday,,i didnt like the tone she used and something she aud,,kinda along ther lines of omg debi u r just TOO MUCH- and i do it allto myself and IM the one whos doingthis,,BUT im not,,i was smile and having a good sunday AM when allof a sudden,,EVERYTHING just swithched to HELL,, babm! and,,it went from there, .im so sick now ihurt everywhere,,and i just want to go to the hospital and stay for two three months..lock me up i guess,, since im so much a bother to all and no good for aything- i see it in hereyes,,she doesnt like me anymore,,im so sad. thank U RA for fuckin my hole fuckked up life-i cant bare this
THIS IS THE WORLD OF RA and its hell,,its a hole u can never climb out of,i cannot type my fingers hurt to badly-and i tok "myspace" down,,im not doing that anymore,,i feel helples why would i want a MYSPACE ,,why would i seek out any communacation with ayone out there,,who could possibly help me,,..why>? cuz everyone has there WN vbttles to fight and i am fighting RA and none needs to knopw about the shit except here,,this is all im going to do now,,this blog,,for my own sanity- and my sanity is brely there ,from aLL THE ((i keep cursing and thats not good-whats wrong with me)) &^%%$#@!@! PAIN
im very very very depressed and i think,,im really really really reallly scared beyond whati cn deal wiht mentalty, i feel weird,its 4.00i haveto go pick up K and i feel so sosososososososossssssssssssooooooooooo weird,,so strange,so out of it so in pain, so defeated so likeui just wantto hide ..i feel sososo weird i hte it i hate this feeling,,why am i so so scared,, im just so scared of tomorrooorrw
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