Sunday, April 01, 2007

sunday beautiful weather,but i cant enjoy-due to too much medication,,ive been in such a bad flare that i had to go ahead and do the prednisone burst,,yesterday, i took 20 mg toady 20 mg so on untill day 5 the drop to 15 mg,for 4 days then i will try 12mg for 3 then just drop to 10 mg and hold it there...Prednisone has bad side effects,,like paranoia and shakes and speed feeling that i hate,,i am going to do it,,and just try to remain in controll and no emotional outbreaks,,,, the thing about pred is its so hard on my system,,i already have had my teeth being chipped off and nails are influenced and my mood is influenced by pred,,its just NOT a good drug to be on for soooo long,,ive gotta wean off and dont know how doctor just blows thaT IEDA off ,,i dunno why,,is that too much to ask? im just not to trusing anymore,,of the medical world and for good reason, OH the stories i could tell about the stupid doctors who thought god only know s what when i went in to the emgency room for my shoulder,,pain beyond belief,and they had no clue- no idea nor no help .. i sat there for 5 hours in the waiting room in pain,,for nothing.. whew, im soo pred'ed out now,,this is why i cant stop typing um ..i coulod just go on,,ug,,bye..gotta go do something

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