Tuesday, February 03, 2009

i have not been well,, i am able to just blog for a little bit- its my RA...
its really letting me have it,,was driven to tears last nite and this am,,god.it just hurts so bad and i had to try to calm -quiet it wwith more sleep and darvon all my insides hurt, my belly has been and is so swollen.
my hands were swollen and and my feeet were hurting so bad this AM
and oh my neck,, its alomst two oclock now and i gotta get it together,.i need to drive (go get K)
in a little little while and i am completly not ready to go anywhere, im worried about
how badly my neck is hurting,i swear2god-it is the worst pain -i was begging for mercy.
((ive fallen acouple of times due to numb feet-and head in the clouds) i re-hit and rebroke that toe again,,,i just bumped right into a chair and clipped the babytoe and it sentt my RA into full mode again. da pain ,dapain,,,Ohdapain.

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