what im lookin at -------------------------------------------
well,, the situation now is
crazyand intense...
lemme explain...
two letters from SSDI* they are sending me to
Oklahoma city-hate that city-
they want me to test for eyes (i already have a eye
appt on
feb 23rd ) they also want me to go to a medical place to be seen,,
soo the court is sending me to 2 doctors already,,i want to say WHY OK CITY
when the same is right here in
thats a long drive and it will not be good for me to travel like that,,but ,OK so i go,,,,well,,i will be in a flare
cuz of the drive ....i cannot sit like that,
OK city is effing FAR AWAY ... its like a damn hour and something.\
im very very disappointed,,and
kelly now agrees with me that my atty,,,SUCKS the biggest!
she now sees his effing incompetence. hes not in this to win,,hes like,,,,"whatever"
kelly has
a good point,,she said we outta be able to hear my side,,how do we get the court to hear
debi b maddox's RAstory,,i have the pictures to rebut what the doctors say.
you know that i take pictures just about every day... medical records say generic things and
and do not describe the truth,,doctors are more interested in seeing the next patient,(more money) then filling out medical records accurately.. so where it says patient is fine,,i whip out my pics from that very day where i am swollen and crying and in a mess on every single medical
appt day,,(i hate going to the doctors) it
stressses me out,,and now you see why,nothing is ever done for me,,all they do is take away my medicine and replace it with nothing or crap like
seriquil or
freeky neurotin ,,,,,-
the doctors have been the biggest let down,, i thought they were on my side ,,but after seeing the records i see they are
soooo into making money rather then helping me with all this.
i say this about
doctor wiseman and all of the year i went to
morton clinic,,they were all worthless documentation and
im sooo disappointed, this is just bad,, my whole experience with RA,,the way the doctors told me,(so
un-caring) to the way they treated me,,i tired to be upbeat,
and always follow along - good attitude only allowed them to run over me and push me around,,
and this atty
im using is a D-I-C-K!
(sorry but its true)
didnt like him to begin with,,i had a bad feeling about him,,
i should have stuck with my own intuition -- i found out
thru ppl whoKNOW about cases of
SSDIthey all say
kelly should have been allowed in the court w/ me,,and the pictures and a story by me could have been introduced -- other
attys use pics and the input of their client,,hes a worthless $#@ and i wanted to fire him
aLONG time ago (
damnit) now we r stuck w this ass and i
dont want to give him one penny he
doesnt deserve it.
ive got all this to
worrie about and now i read this at 8
oclock sunday morning:
Miami, FL (AHN) - The frozen remains of two mice infected with the bubonic plague are missing from a New Jersey bioterror research facility, and the facility waited seven weeks to report the incident to federal and state authorities.OMG ! this world is probably gonna end in 2012 ... we just cant continue to rape this land the air and each other,,its gotta end somehow! 2012 bring it on!
now i found this site and was fascinated i have to read the whole site in order to understand
the bonus or the
benefit of
Communism --weird wild and interesting