Thursday, February 14, 2008

im super tired today cuz i didnt sleep well last nite and no nap today because, the wind blew a big tree branch down and hit the powerline and we were out of power this morning, no biggy tho,, i have to go to fill that damn presription at morton TOday! TOMORROW the weather gets superCOLD again,,and ill be unable, so i have to do all i need today,,. pre.cold weather,,(its 60 right now) its almost 2.00 pm and ive been w/o power ,,,so to stay awake,,(very tired) i fixed the ceiling in the front bedrooom=BEFORE ..................... ,,god= with thanks to the media PAUL doesnt stand a chance,,damn!
AFTER i climbed up onto my desk and was able to reach these 10 ft ceilings,,OLDHOUSE=

its drying now

looks worse after LOL .
hell,,im justr a girl w ra,,shit what doya expect,,

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