Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ive been totally SICK lately... b/c we found a baby kitten last Saturday an its been all i can do to keep up with the baby,,shes a little 4-5 weeks old and we have spent bill money to have her looked at by the vet -we DON'T want to endanger our cats Elvis and scottyboobear,,so she (the baby) had a worm in her head,,YEP a WORM called a warble ..from a BOTFLY ,,she must have been stranded for all her life until we found her crying in a TREE across the street and no one would help her,,Xcept US,,god SENT her to US its a gift from god but shes got ringworm and botfly worm and the vet at southern ag,,named DR WOLF treated her and took VERY good care to remove the worm,,,she OK NOW and then with her being OK sort of,,i just allowed all that RA to just come up and bite me from the activities of caring for a BABY!! some clips and pics,:

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