Wednesday, December 17, 2008

hands = see that damage?
i accidenly took too much pred
im passed out here=the baby sleppin witMe!awwww

my lil black shadow
waaaaa??? 3.30 pm post? wow thats diff....
its because i accidently took 15mg more extra of my pred ,,,so im speeding my head off,,ive been wandering the house tring to do what i can for Xmas decorations .....ive managed to collect some christmas things overthe past few years,,because like i said before ..all of my beautiful,,very VERY VERY expensive stuff for chruistmas all (glup) was stolen when we got roobbed years back,,heart pounding,,tear,,OhNO,,not the memories of that,,i ALWAYS get a punch in my gut and feel my heart just pounding double time ...klonipin please! -im telling ya,,i had some effing great halmark christams everything,,and that shit is EXPENSIVE and collectors stuff,,my tree was classic and on a golden scrolled platform a and absulutly beautiful in a classacal way- quality stuff --NOTHING from wallmart,,all department store items,and VERY expensive,,(already said that) ok im in a ad moood now,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

i love my family

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