Sunday, December 28, 2008

shes always in front of me,,,

ive been hiding,,i mean i have not been feeling good at all, i am having a hard time paying attn.
and staying awake today is a damp and cold day.coldand muggy.
wth all the family things going on right now,,i really suck, cuz i cant stay awake or keep going all day like every one else-(scared i mite be somewhere and have a burst of " omg- gotta go lay down now" at someone s house and it would be embarrassing.i am having a hard time in my organs again,,my stomach is inflated and tuff --i swear this is where we joke about my "alien baby" i look pregnant - its RA in my organs,i get the same thing about once every three months or so,,i have AVIs of it happening about a year ago and we filmed it for proof ppl always say i exaggerate so i wanted proof i wasn't "beefing up the details"
this is when my organs hurt and i have to lay down , i feel shaky and disorientated - i look pregnant and its a alien

7-8 months along in just 1 day

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