Wednesday, January 23, 2008

i wrote a bunch of stuff and blogsite came back with an error and some kind of code to report,,i was so pissed,,im not reporting it,,i was just pissed cuz all that typing,-reallllly sux when that happens ~ i have been Xtremly cold and overly tired,,i cant make it thru a day with out needing to sleep and BAD! i am wrapped up in lots of layers and its 46 degrees out,,,i FEEL like its below zero tho,,,, its me,,i would get up and do a little dance or do something to stir my blood but it only made me more tired --looking back i blogged the same thing last sunday- also for the record i
have gone days without pain meds,, except darvon TONITE right NOW ,,thats why i am up now,,i was sleeping and kelly woke me up to say that i was really moaning and jerking and acting painful in bed,,so,,i took 2 D and im up waiting for them to help ,,i hurt bad in my feet and hips and back of my legs and hands hurt too,, neck has backed off now,,RA just travels around looking for new territory to attack,,

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