Saturday, August 13, 2011

Terrorism Update:
FBI Targets Preppers and Preparedness Supplies In Latest Bulletin
If you’ve been preparing for emergencies, disasters, or economic collapse there’s a strong likelihood that you’ve been added to a watch list somewhere.

Hard to believe?

The latest Communities Against Terrorism guidelines distributed by the FBI to military surplus stores in the state of Colorado outline specific activities that owners and retail associates should look for when trying to spot terrorist related activity. Much of the suspicious activity listed describes the behavior and shopping list of any modern day prepper:

What should I consider suspicious?

People or groups who:

■Provide identification that is inconsistent or suspect or demand identity “privacy”
■Insist on paying with cash or uses credit card(s) in different names
■Make suspicious comments regarding anti-US, radical theology, vague or cryptic warnings that suggests or appear to endorse the use of violence in support of a cause
■Demonstrate interest in uses that do not seem consistent with the intended use of the item being purchased
■Possess little knowledge of intended purchase items
■Make bulk purchases of items to include:
-Weatherproofed ammunition or match containers
-Meals Ready to Eat
-Night Vision Devices; night flashlights; gas masks
-High capacity magazines
-Bi-pods or tri-pods for rifles
Mac Slavo
August 11th, 2011

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