Thursday, May 22, 2008

RA on the loose today-
i am feeling like crap -no energy and i hurt VERY much in

hands- wrists- feet- knees- ELBOWS- and im sure ive forgotten to add something but thats OK,,we get the pic.
that trip to Morton ended up positive -thaNK GOD!
got prescriptions refilled and saw dr Kusi, ( i must say -i adore)hes so on top of things,,i thnk hes very brillant and has aLot going on out there at Morton-hes the director and i see why,,hes sharp and together!
my feelings were really hurt when i thought he didnt wanna be my dr ,i was so H-U-R-T! kelly typed up a great few paragraphs of what she called "Updates and Concerns",,it was very diplomatic and logical-he agreed as he read it- hes very intelligent im sure- anyHoo,i showed him my nodules,and i weigh 118 BLOOD PRESSURE was high- and i promised to join the physical reablatation center asap-

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